we are still waiting to hear the outcome of the newest version of the so-called "bailout" plan. It now has many names, such as Emergency Economic Stability Act (EESA) and $700 billion bailout. I don't think it really matter what you call it at this point. The fact is there are many different views on the subject and quite frankly I just want to know WIIFM!
When it comes down to tax dollars the IRS tells me they want my money right now (April 15th) and I do my part, but I really don't have anything else to spare. And from what I can tell my friends and family don't either!
Maybe instead of a bunch of rich, overpaid idiots deciding how this should work they should put together a group of working class people who are on the front lines day-to-day dealing with this stuff. It's the "regular" guy/girl who is out there trying to figure out how to make ends meet, pay a mortgage, put gas in the car (and in GA that's even harder than it sounds right now), etc.
Stop taking money from the "real" workers in America. I don't want the people who are rich simply because daddy is rich or the people who are rich because someone else did all the work making the damn decisions (okay - maybe one or two of the really smart, savvy ones would be okay but the rest need to jump in a lake).
And, while we are at it...the thing I keep hearing over and over again is about people NOT being able to get credit. Maybe that's half the damn problem! Maybe, just maybe, if every freakin' college student hadn't gotten a credit card the first day of school, or people who couldn't really afford a $200k house didn't get approved, and the list goes on...we would be in a better position today! Why should the government (oops...I mean me and my friends the tax payers) bail out companies who took a risk and gave bad loans!? Stop with the damn loans and credit cards to people who can't afford them - and by-the-way making them pay a higher APR doesn't help anyone either because it takes them longer to pay off the loan and then when the inevitable bankruptcy comes around the amount to be written off is way higher than it would have been had the APR been reasonable (whether 4% or 24% the company is still making money - let's face it). appears I have gone on a few tangents here and stood on my soapbox long enough...below is a link a friend sent me. I am not usually a fan of CNN but it has some good points in it.,8599,1846040,00.html?cnn=yes