Sunday, February 8, 2009
What is Love?
I met someone recently and I can't get him out of my mind when we aren't together. We spent Friday, Saturday & Sunday of the past 2 weekends together. He even picked me up yesterday to go to his house and brought me home today. How impressive is that?
He dropped me off today because I am supposed to meet up with a friend so she can go over my 2007 taxes (UGH...they should have been done a long time ago). I haven't been able to stop thinking about him and wanting to be with him since he left.
I think I'm falling in love already. When I am with him I just don't care about anything else. I have never felt that before. Man...I didn't want to come home today.
Thursday, February 5, 2009
Porn and the Super Bowl
Imagine this...families in Tuscon are huddled around the TV talking about the game, drinking beers, hanging out with grandparents and kids alike and suddenly porn is on the big screen! Yep! Right there for all to enjoy.
This subject got the DJs on QBert talking and they asked people to call in about the most embarrassing experiences with porn. I couldn't help but laugh because it reminded me of a story involving my (then) teenage cousin and my grandmother.
My aunt and cousins were staying at my grandparents for a while and my grandparents are die-hard Christians and church-goers. There are some things my grandmother won't tolerate and porn is one of them (along with what she calls filthy language). My grandparents had gone out of town for a while and my cousin had some friends over (my aunt worked long hours so my cousin had a lot of free time).
After my grandparents returned home my grandmother was in the living room one day and realized there was a tape in the VCR so she decided to see what it was. Much to her shock and dismay it was a porn flick. And she was NOT happy! She immediately took it out of the VCR, headed to the kitchen sink, filled it with hot water and proceeded to baptize the tape. She dunked it and prayed and then pulled the tape out of the inside. And she also grabbed one of my cousin's rap cassettes and baptized it too.
When he came home and saw her doing this he asked what was going on. When she told him about the video from the VCR he flipped out. He started saying "Grandma...that wasn't mine. That belonged to a friend and he has to return it to the rental place." My grandmother basically told him that if he was going to let that smut be in her house it was her's to do with what she wanted.
I don't think that story will ever NOT be funny to me. Nothing like seeing your grandmother baptize a video and cassette and then rip the guts out!
Skittles or Pharm Parties (Who Knew?)
It seems that tweens and teens (and some a little older) are attending Skittles parties which involves a bowl full of brightly colored ecstasy pills that people just take throughout the night and even mix with alcohol. The other is the Pharm party which involves people bringing a mix of prescription pills (their own or some stolen from friends and family) and everyone dumps what they have in a bowl. This bowl now could have anything from Xanax to Vicodin to who-knows-what! And again, they mix it with alcohol!
I am worried about these darn kids. Who ever thought that at 38 years old I would be thinking "these darn kids today." I am just amazed at what goes on these days. I am thankful I am no longer a teenager and no longer have these pressures.
Parents...please be very careful! Hide your medication. These parties are dangerous.
Inappropriate Questions
And I say this in the nicest possible way because I've been asked it a few times over the years. I am not a Barbie. I don't have long thin legs, big boobs (okay, well I do have that), and a teeny-tiny waist that makes it evident that I am NOT preggers.
Today in the ladies room I was asked if I had a baby on the way. The empire waist sweaters, tops and dresses are in style (again) and I tend to like them. They are a little better at accentuating nice boobs and hiding some flaws around the middle. But, apparently that's not always true.
Man...I need to get back to the gym! I hate being asked that question!!
Feeling Quizical
I decided to go online and take the test myself and this is what I found out...I am an ENTJ and according to this I am:
- slightly expressed extravert
- moderately expressed intuitive personality
- slightly expressed thinking personality
- slightly expressed judging personality anyone surprised by these findings? I'm not. I don't know if that's good or bad!
I am Extraverted 22 / iNtuitive 25 / Thinking 12 / Judging 11
It says this on their site: Extraverted iNtuitive Thinking Judging
"I don't care to sit by the window on an airplane. If I can't control it, why look?"
ENTJs have a natural tendency to marshall and direct. This may be expressed with the charm and finesse of a world leader or with the insensitivity of a cult leader. The ENTJ requires little encouragement to make a plan. One ENTJ put it this way... "I make these little plans that really don't have any importance to anyone else, and then feel compelled to carry them out." While "compelled" may not describe ENTJs as a group, nevertheless the bent to plan creatively and to make those plans reality is a common theme for NJ types.
ENTJs are often "larger than life" in describing their projects or proposals. This ability may be expressed as salesmanship, story-telling facility or stand-up comedy. In combination with the natural propensity for filibuster, our hero can make it very difficult for the customer to decline.
TRADEMARK: -- "I'm really sorry you have to die." (I realize this is an overstatement. However, most Fs and other gentle souls usually chuckle knowingly at this description.)
ENTJs are decisive. They see what needs to be done, and frequently assign roles to their fellows. Few other types can equal their ability to remain resolute in conflict, sending the valiant (and often leading the charge) into the mouth of hell. When challenged, the ENTJ may by reflex become argumentative. Alternatively (s)he may unleash an icy gaze that serves notice: the ENTJ is not one to be trifled with.
Functional Analysis
Extraverted Thinking
"Unequivocating" expresses the resoluteness of the ENTJ's dominant function. Clarity of convictions endows these Thinkers with a knack for debate, or wanting knack, a penchant for argument. The light and heat generated by Thinking at the helm can be impressive; perhaps even overwhelming. Experience teaches many ENTJs that restraint may often be the better part of valor, lest one find oneself victorious but alone.
Introverted iNtuition
The auxiliary function explores the blueprints of archetypal patterns and equips Thinking with a fresh, dynamic sense of how things work. Improvising on the fly is something many ENTJs do very well. As Thinking's subordinate, insights are of value only insofar as they further the Right, True Cause celebre. [n.b.: ENTJs are capable of living on a higher plane, if you will, and learning to value individuals even above their principles. The above dynamic suggests less individuation.]
Extraverted Sensing
Sensing reaches out to embrace that which physically touches it. ENTJs have an awareness of the real; of that which exists. By stilling the engines of Thinking and iNtuition, this type may experience the Here and Now, and know things not dreamt of nor even postulated in iNtuition's philosophy. Sensing's minor role, however, puts it at risk for distortion or extreme weakness beneath the hustle and bustle of the giants N and T.
Introverted Feeling
Feeling is romantic, as the ethereal as the inner world from whence it doth emerge. When it be awake, feeling evokes great passion that knows not nuance of proportion nor context. Perhaps these lesser functions inspire glorious recreational quests in worlds that never were, or may only ever be in fantasy. When overdone or taken too seriously, Fi turned outward often becomes maudlin or melodramatic. Feeling in this type appears most authentic when implied or expressed covertly in a firm handshake, accepting demeanor, or act of sacrifice thinly covered by excuses of lack of any personal interest in the relinquished item.
Famous ENTJs:
Franklin D. Roosevelt, Richard M. Nixon, Benny Goodman, "Big Band" leader, General Norman Schwarzkopf, Harrison Ford, Steve Martin, Whoopi Goldberg, Sigourney Weaver, Margaret Thatcher, Al Gore (U.S Vice President, 1993-2001), Lamar Alexander (former governor, US Secretary of Education), Les Aspen, former U.S. Secretary of Defense, Candace Bergen (Murphy Brown), Dave Letterman, Newt Gingrich, Patrick Stewart (STNG: Jean Luc Picard), Robert James Waller (author: The Bridges of Madison County), Jim Carrey (Ace Ventura: Pet Detective, The Mask), Steve Jobs, and Penn Jillette.
Possible jobs for someone of my "rating" are: Management in Business or Education, Miliatry Education, Politics, Law, Counseling, Engineering, Industrial Management & Manufacturing Management, High School Education, or Computer Programming.
I enjoy business management, have often contemplated politics on a local level (mayor), long ago thought about getting into law, often counsel others (Human Resources is my background), and I love to think of new ways to do stuff from a computer standpoint (although I like to come up with the ideas and have someone else do it).
In Memory of (part 2)...
I don't like this either. I understand why people want to do it, but I actually think it could cause more damage because people are looking away from the road and trying to see what's on the side of the road or even trying to read what is written on the crosses.
And then, beyond being dangerous because it's a distraction, it ends up being just a bunch of dead flowers or rotting wood and plastic which to me is like littering.
There are much better ways to mourn your loved ones, bring attention to their lives, or even acknowledge their existence. How about a scholarship in their name? An organization baring the their name? Or something else of significance?
As always...just my opinion!