Sunday, September 20, 2009

Grammy's Boots

Many of you know that every month I call my Grammy to go over her bills and balance her checkbook for her. She is in CT and it is heartbreaking that she is so far away, but she always manages to make me laugh with her repetitive stories and the little things she says.

The beginning of September I went through the typical ritual and everything seemed fine. I did notice that she wrote a check to Comfort Moccasins. I didn't think much about it at the time. I figured she probably ordered something out of one of her magazines of the newspaper.

Well, Friday she called my mother to ask her if she sent her some boots. My mother said, "No, why would I send you boots? I don't even like boots or anything about boots so I wouldn't send you any." My Grammy proceeds to tell my mom that earlier in the week she received an odd box and inside were some rubber soled thick lined boots. She said the book was like a plastic material and inside was an invoice that said zero on it so she threw it all away and the trash had already been picked up. My mom asked if they fit and she said yes. Of course, there is still no clue as to where they came from.

So, my mother tells me the story and I say "She sent a check for them." And my mom starts saying "What are you talking about?" I look at the check register and there it is 8/23/09 a check to Comfort Moccasins. My mother can't stop laughing, and quite frankly neither can I. I call my Grammy and say "I hear you got some boots." And she says, "Yes, I have no idea where they came from." And I say, "You ordered them." To which she says, "I did?" (read that with a high level of shock) "Let me get my checkbook." As she puts the phone down on the table I hear her say "Oh Lord, oh Lord." I am trying really hard to contain myself at this point. She comes back to the phone and I tell her to go to the date of 8/23/09 and look for check number 2395 and there in front of her are the words Comfort Moccasins. She now says she is blushing and hanging her head in shame and tells me to never get old (well, it's too late for that - we are all headed in that direction). After she goes on telling me all about the boots and that she forgot all about them since they didn't show up right away (she doesn't realize it takes a while to mail a check, process the check and the order and then ship the product unlike shopping online or using a debit/credit card on the phone). I ask her if she likes them and she says "Oh yes!" So I say, "Well good, because you have new boots." By-the-way, she keeps calling them boots, but I'm thinking they are probably slippers with a rubber sole so that if you need to run to the mailbox they won't get ruined and you don't have to chance shoes.

As the southerners say "Bless her heart!"

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